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International Marine Environmental Law: Institutions, Implementation and Innovations - Andree Kirchner

International Marine Environmental Law: Institutions, Implementation and Innovations - Andree Kirchner
Autor: Andree Kirchner
Editura: Kluwer Law International
Cod produs: IN000189
Disponibilitate: Disponibil la comanda
Preţ: 662,00 lei
Preţ fără TVA: 607,34 lei
   - SAU -   
ISBN 9789041120663
Limbă Engleză
Colecția Dreptul mediului
Număr de pagini 288
Data apariției 12 noiembrie 2003
Coperta Hardcover

This volume deals with institutions, implementation and innovations in the field of international marine environmental law. It discusses some controversial legal aspects of the marine environment in the context of UNCLOS, as a framework for national, regional and global action in the marine sector.

The purpose of this work is to faithfully report scientific expertise, legal insight and policy wisdom presented by the speakers and participants at the Conference. The book identifies major aspects of the current situation and possible future developments in a critical way. Among the key issues covered are implementation and enforcement of environmental conventions; the avoidance, prevention and settlement of disputes; and, liability and compensation for environmental damage. Also included are several articles which discuss the role of the main institutions in this field within the UN system.

This volume is based on contributions made at the International Conference on Marine Environmental Law (ICMEL), held by the GAUSS Institute in Bremen, Germany.

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