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Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume XXXVII 2012 - Albert Jan van den Berg

Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Volume XXXVII 2012 - Albert Jan van den Berg
Autor: Albert Jan van den Berg
Cod produs: IN000114
Disponibilitate: Disponibil la comanda
Preţ: 968,00 lei
Preţ fără TVA: 888,07 lei
   - SAU -   
ISBN 978-904-113-809-5
Limbă Engleza
Legătorie Brosata
Colecția Arbitraj si mediere
Număr de pagini 592
Data apariției 18 decembrie 2012
Coperta Hardcover

The Yearbook Commercial Arbitration continues its longstanding commitment to serving as a primary resource for the international arbitration community with reporting on arbitral awards and court decisions applying the leading arbitration conventions, as well as on arbitration legislation and rules. Volume XXXVII (2012) includes:

  • excerpts of arbitral awards made under the auspices of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC);
  • notes on new and amended arbitration rules, including references to their online publication;
  • notes on recent developments in arbitration law and practice in Colombia, Finland, Hungary, India, Lithuania, Montenegro, Portugal, Singapore, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Venezuela;
  • excerpts of 82 court decisions applying the 1958 New York Convention from 22 countries – including for the first time, cases from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Guatemala and Uruguay – all indexed by subject matter and linked to the General Editor’s published commentaries on the New York Convention;
  • an extensive Bibliography of recent books and journals on arbitration.

The Yearbook is edited by the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), the world’s leading organization representing practitioners and academics in the field, with the assistance of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague. It is an essential tool for lawyers, business people and scholars involved in the practice and study of international arbitration.


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