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Migration Law in Finland - 2nd Edition - Eeva Nykänen, Elina Pirjatanniemi, Olli Sorainen, Ida Staffans

Migration Law in Finland - 2nd Edition - Eeva Nykänen, Elina Pirjatanniemi, Olli Sorainen, Ida Staffans
Autor: Eeva Nykänen, Elina Pirjatanniemi, Olli Sorainen, Ida Staffans
Cod produs: IN000233
Disponibilitate: Disponibil la comanda
Preţ: 306,00 lei
Preţ fără TVA: 280,73 lei
   - SAU -   
ISBN 9789041145901
Limbă Engleză
Colecția Dreptul imigrației
Număr de pagini 168
Data apariției 27 noiembrie 2012
Coperta Paperback

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this monograph on the rules on immigration and right of residence of non-nationals in Finland examines the legal and administrative conditions for persons not having the citizenship of a State to enter the country and to stay and reside there. It provides a survey of the subject that is both usefully brief and sufficiently detailed to answer most questions likely to arise in any pertinent legal setting. It follows the common structure of all monographs appearing in the International Encyclopaedia for Migration Law, thus allowing easy comparison between the country studies. As migration and economic activities are often interlinked, the analysis pays particular attention to labour market access and regulation of self-employed activities for non-nationals. The book describes the status of such specific categories of persons as students, researchers, temporary workers, and asylum seekers, as well as the position of family members, detailing applicable legislation and providing practical information on administrative procedures, sanctions, and legal remedies and guarantees. The impact of international human rights law and various bilateral and multilateral agreements is considered, along with the broader application of national and local law to non-citizens in such areas as family relations, labour, social security, and education. Lawyers, scholars, practitioners, policymakers, government administrations, and non-governmental organizations involved in the development, practice and study of migration law will find this book indispensable. It will be welcomed by lawyers representing parties with interests in Finland and immigration specialists in both public and private organizations. Academics and researchers also will appreciate its value in the study of comparative trends and harmonization initiatives affecting migrants.


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