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Introduction to German Law- 2nd Edition - Joachim Zekoll, Matthias Reimann

Introduction to German Law- 2nd Edition - Joachim Zekoll, Matthias Reimann
Autor: Joachim Zekoll, Matthias Reimann
Cod produs: IN000142
Disponibilitate: Disponibil la comanda
Preţ: 725,00 lei
Preţ fără TVA: 665,14 lei
   - SAU -   
ISBN 978-904-112-261-2
Limbă Engleză
Colecția Drept comparat
Număr de pagini 520
Data apariției 18 octombrie 2005
Coperta Hardcover

It is nearly ten years since the appearance of the successful first edition of this convenient English-language introduction to the law of Germany. This new edition covers all the significant changes and innovations that have occurred during that period, encompassing the pervasive impacts of European law and of globalisation, the major recent reform of the German Civil Code, and the greatly increased activity of the German legislature in every area.

With fifteen lucid chapters written by academic expects in their respective fields of law, as well as detailed bibliographies, this is the ideal starting point for research whenever a question of German law must be answered. The authors clearly explain the legal concepts, customs, and rules arising from such basic elements as the following:

  • characteristic problems of Germany legal unity;
  • principles and practices of constitutional law;
  • administrative law and procedure;
  • the German Commercial Code;
  • formation and conduct of corporations and partnerships;
  • contracts;
  • tort liability;
  • property rights;
  • family law;
  • succession and inheritance;
  • labor and employment;
  • issues of private international law;
  • courts and civil procedure;
  • the penal code and criminal procedure.


Introduction to German Law, Second Edition provides an authoritative description of all issues likely to emerge in the course of normal application of German law in any context.

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